Cinematography / Selected Works

Reel coming soon...
with work from
Eli, Briefly

Sony F55
Vintage Nikons

starring Sadie Scott and Satyam Vali
with Abigail Zealy Bess

written and directed by Celine Sutter
produced by Celine Sutter, Yoko Kohmoto, and Kevin Lee
director of photography Charlie Theobald
assistant camera Alison Cavanaugh
gaffer Andreas Nicholas
edited by Celine Sutter and Em Brennan

Memories of the Ocean

Alexa Mini
Super speeds

written and directed by Theo Gray
produced by Jeremy Gumener
director of photography Charlie Theobald
assistant camera Azreen Zaman
gaffer Ella Gibney
edited by Theo Gray

Key Change

Alexa Mini
Super speeds

written and directed by Andreas Nicholas
produced by Andreas Nicholas, Yoko Kohmoto, and Heather
director of photography Charlie Theobald
assistant camera Gaby Clingman
gaffer Theo Gray
edited by Andreas Nicholas
original songs by Ben Freeman and Andreas Nicholas


Alexa Classic
Super speeds

starring Duane Shabazz, J’Laney Allen, and Maryn Shaw

written and directed by Carlos Cagin
produced by Carlos Cagin and Elle Kurata
director of photography Charlie Theobald
costume design Kat Ibasco
production design Samarth Khanna
assistant camera Kansas Ballesteros
gaffer Tinbete Daniel

Sony FS7

written and directed by Andreas Nicholas
produced by Andreas Nicholas, Azreen Zaman
director of photography Charlie Theobald
assistant camera MC Harvey
gaffer Ella Gibney
edited by Andreas Nicholas
original songs by Ben Freeman and Andreas Nicholas

Drive the Night Away

Alexa Mini
Super Speeds

written and directed by Jessica Li
produced by Kansas Ballesteros and Jessica Li
director of photography Charlie Theobald
1st assistant camera Tyler Swanek
2nd assistant camera Christa Haley
gaffer Tinbete Daniel
edited by Jessica Li and Christa Haley